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Resin 3.1 Documentation Examples Changes Quercus Database Amber EJB SOA/ESB IoC JMS Servlet JMX Hessian Security Simple Service Configuring a service with JAXB An ESB client Flickr REST JAX-WS example |
Simple ServiceWriting a service for the Resin SOA as a plain-old Java object (POJO) eliminates protocol dependencies and simplifies service testing. Configuring a service with JAXBA service on the Resin ESB can be configured easily using JAXB. An ESB clientThis tutorial shows how to access services on the Resin Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) using J2EE injection. A servlet does frontend presentation for the results of an ESB service. Flickr RESTResin offers simplified access to external REST-based services. This example shows how to access a subset of the flickrTM API. JAX-WS exampleResin simplifies deployment of JAX-WS applications by avoiding the need for complicated WSDLs and schema.