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Resin 3.1 Documentation Examples Changes Quercus Database Amber EJB SOA/ESB IoC JMS Servlet JMX Hessian Security Hello World Java Modules JSON PDO Gettext |
Hello WorldThe Hello, World tutorial covers the basic steps to start Resin and run a trivial php script in Quercus. Java ModulesAdding PHP functions with a Java module. JSONJSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a popular text data
exchange format with built-in support from Quercus since Resin 3.0.20.
One of the common uses of JSON in a PHP environment is for the server
to send JSON data to the user's browser. Because the JSON language is
a subset of JavaScript, JSON-encoded text can be readily parsed on the
user's browser using JavaScript's PDOThe PDO tutorial explains using the new PHP 5 portable database object (PDO) interface. GettextThis i18n tutorial goes through the process of internationalizing a PHP application.