A Simple Service for the Resin SOA
Resin 3.1



Simple Service
Configuring a service with JAXB
An ESB client
Flickr REST
JAX-WS example
Configuring a service with JAXB

Writing a service for the Resin SOA as a plain-old Java object (POJO) eliminates protocol dependencies and simplifies service testing.


With the Resin Service-Oriented Architecture, services can be written as plain-old Java objects (POJOs) and made available to many different protocols using simple configuration changes.

Files in this tutorial

WEB-INF/classes/example/HelloService.javaInterface for the hello service.
WEB-INF/classes/example/HelloServiceImpl.javaThe main service implementation.
WEB-INF/classes/example/HelloResult.javaThe result object
WEB-INF/resin-web.xmlConfigures the environment
demo.jspClient JSP

What is a Service-Oriented Architecture?

The Resin Service-Oriented Architecture is an infrastructure that allows a service to be exposed via many different service protocols. For example in this tutorial, there is a plain-old Java object (POJO) that implements a service and this service is made available using REST, SOAP, Hessian, and JNDI. The service is implemented once and these protocols are activated with a few simple changes to the configuration file.

Service Interface

In this example, the service interface is for a simple Hello, World service. There is a single method, hello() that the service must implement and the client may invoke.

package example;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;

public interface HelloService {
   * Returns "hello, world".
  public HelloResult hello();

Notice that the service returns a HelloResult object. As seen below, HelloResult is a simple wrapper for a String. This allows type-checking and proper serialization of the returned result. There are also JAXB annotations in this case which control how the object is serialized.

package example;

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;

public class HelloResult {

  public String value = "hello, world";

  public String toString()
    return value;

Service Implementation

The HelloService implementation is just a Java class that implements the HelloService API. For Java Web Service (JAX-WS) compatibility, the class also has @WebService and @WebMethod annotations.

package example;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;

public class HelloServiceImpl implements HelloService {
   * Returns "hello, world".
  public HelloResult hello()
    return new HelloResult();

Service configuration

Services in the Resin SOA are configured with the <servlet> tag. The implementation class is given as the servlet-class attribute. It is possible to allow access to the service within the same virtual machine by registering the service in JNDI using a <jndi-name> child tag.

To expose the service as a Hessian service, use the <hessian> tag. Hessian is one of the protocols available for web services.

Here a REST interface is also exposed. In this example, the REST interface uses the default query-based binding that interprets URLs of the form http://www.foo.com/?method=myMethod&arg1=foo&arg2=bar. to be a call to the method "myMethod" with two arguments, "foo" and "bar". Other custom bindings are possible, including for example a path-based binding that with URLs of the form http://www.foo.com/myMethod/foo/bar. The <url-pattern> child tag specifies the base URL for the REST interface.

Finally, a SOAP interface is available.

web-service for hessian
<servlet-mapping url-pattern="/hello/hessian/*"
  <protocol type="hessian"/>
web-service for rest
<servlet-mapping url-pattern="/hello/rest/*"
  <protocol type="rest"/>
web-service for soap
<servlet-mapping url-pattern="/hello/rest/*"
  <protocol type="soap"/>

Client configuration

Resin also makes it easy to access services using the <web-service-client> tag. This tag connects to a service using a URL of the form <encoding>:<protocol>:<location>. The example below shows just such a URL. The interface of the service and a JNDI name must also be given. The <web-service-client> tag creates a proxy client instance for the service and registers the proxy with the given JNDI name.

<web-service-client jndi-name="hessian/HelloService">

<web-service-client jndi-name="rest/HelloService">

<web-service-client jndi-name="soap/HelloService">

JSP Client Script

The client can now connect to the HelloService using any supported encoding simply by doing a lookup in JNDI.

<%@ page import="com.caucho.naming.Jndi" %>
<%@ page import="example.HelloService" %>
HelloService hessianHello = (HelloService) Jndi.lookup("hessian/HelloService");
HelloService restHello = (HelloService) Jndi.lookup("rest/HelloService");
HelloService soapHello = (HelloService) Jndi.lookup("soap/HelloService");
HelloService vmHello = (HelloService) Jndi.lookup("service/HelloService");
From Hessian: <%= hessianHello.hello() %>
From REST: <%= restHello.hello() %>
From SOAP: <%= soapHello.hello() %>
From VM: <%= vmHello.hello() %>
From Hessian: hello, world
From REST: hello, world
From SOAP: hello, world
From VM: hello, world


Configuring a service with JAXB
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