Resin 3.0.19 Release Notes
Resin 3.1


Release Notes
Change Logs

Resin 3.1.2
Resin 3.1.1
Resin 3.1.0

Resin 3.0.20
Resin 3.0.19
Resin 3.0.18
Resin 3.0.17
Resin 3.0.16
Resin 3.0.15
Resin 3.0.14
Resin 3.0.13
Resin 3.0.12
Resin 3.0.11
Resin 3.0.10
Resin 3.0.9
Resin 3.0.8
Resin 3.0.7
Resin 3.0.6
Resin 3.0.5
Resin 3.0.4
Resin 3.0.3
Resin 3.0.2
Resin 3.0.1
Resin 3.0.0
Resin 3.0.20
Resin 3.0.18

Windows Security Update

Windows users of Resin 3.0.17 or 3.0.18 should upgrade to 3.0.19 as soon as possible.

Quercus: New PHP Applications

Quercus now starts up Wordpress and Gallery.

AccessLog shared-buffer

The access-log has a new attribute, shared-buffer. The default behavior is to use the shared buffer (the current behavior.) If shared-buffer is disabled, each request will use its own buffer for logging requests. In some situations, the separate buffer may reduce locking times.


dn-prefix, dn-suffix, jndi-dnv, user-attribute, password-attribute


The server block now accepts <connection-error-page> for IIS.


The <database> tag now has a <wrap-statements> tag (default true) allowing applications to use the native statement class.


Added a <prologue> tag to the <web-app>. The prologue is web-app configuration which is applied before any <web-app-default>.

The <prologue> lets applications define custom <class-loader> in the <web-app> and lets it be applied before the <web-app-default> or web.xml.


Added <resource-default> tag as a default configuration for .rar files, e.g. classpaths.


Added a redeploy-check-interval to configure how long Resin should wait to restart a failed web-app.


The JaasAuthenticator will now look for isUserInRole and getRoles in the Principal returned by the authenticator to support the servlet isUserInRole call.


rollover-count is now allowed for <log>


The path-format option to the logs, including access-log can now accept .gz extensions. The logs will be compressed as they are written.


The <select-manager> tag replaces the <enable-select-manager/> introduced in 3.0.18.


The number of JSP .class files cached can now be configured in the JSP servlet. This affects the memory usage in the permanent memory space.

<servlet servlet-name="resin-jsp"

This fix is related to the OOM/PermMax issues some people have been running into with large numbers of JSP files.

Resin 3.0.20
Resin 3.0.18
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Resin ® is a registered trademark, and Quercustm, Ambertm, and Hessiantm are trademarks of Caucho Technology.