Resin 3.0.13 Release Notes
Resin 3.1


Release Notes
Change Logs

Resin 3.1.2
Resin 3.1.1
Resin 3.1.0

Resin 3.0.20
Resin 3.0.19
Resin 3.0.18
Resin 3.0.17
Resin 3.0.16
Resin 3.0.15
Resin 3.0.14
Resin 3.0.13
Resin 3.0.12
Resin 3.0.11
Resin 3.0.10
Resin 3.0.9
Resin 3.0.8
Resin 3.0.7
Resin 3.0.6
Resin 3.0.5
Resin 3.0.4
Resin 3.0.3
Resin 3.0.2
Resin 3.0.1
Resin 3.0.0
Resin 3.0.14
Resin 3.0.12


Added a setReadTimeout to the HessianProxyFactory. This capability is only supported by JDK 1.5.


An active-wait-time parameter is now available for the web-app. This specifies the time Resin will wait during a restart for the new web-app. If the time expires, Resin will return a 503. The default is 15s.

forward target in rewrite

    <forward regexp='^/foo' target='/bar'/>

Manual web-app restart cookbook

A Restart cookbook is available for creating an admin servlet to stop, start, or update a web-app.

round-robin policy

HmuxLoadBalanceServlet can now use a strict round-robin balance strategy.

<servlet servlet-class="com.caucho.servlets.HmuxLoadBalanceServlet">

clustered configuration and deployment

Resin Pro can now be configured and deployed based on a master configuration server. Configuration files and .wars placed on the master will be propagated to the cluster.

The clustered files use the special "config:" scheme in the configuration file, e.g. in archive-directory. The scheme is read-only and backed up on a client-side database to provide reliability when the master is taken down.

master configuration
<servlet-mapping url-pattern="/config">

On a config client, "config:" reads from the master. On the master or a non-clustered server, "config:" acts as a normal relative path.

webapps configuration

The config clients are started with the "-config-server" command-line argument, pointing to the configuration server.

unix> bin/ -config-server http://config:8081/config \
                   -conf config:conf/resin.conf \
                   -server a


resin:type is now allowed in more places in the configuration file, in particular in the openssl <password> element.

Connection configuration

The <database> configuration can now configure the created connections with <connection>. Currently the <transaction-isolation>, <read-only>, and <catalog> are configurable.

<database jndi-name="jdbc/example">

Load balancer cluster client control

Individual load balancer clients can now be disabled through JMX.

Given the following cluster

<cluster-definition id="a">
  <srun host="localhost" port="6802"/>

The name of a cluster client is:


The MBean interface is in com.caucho.server.cluster.mbean.ClusterClientMBean. The appropriate methods are enable(), disable(), and isActive().

503 failover with HmuxLoadBalanceServlet

The 503 failover has been improved with HmuxLoadBalanceServlet.

In addition, the web-app busy/inactive reporting has changed. Now, you can disable a single backend web-app and the load balancer will failover the web-app requests to the following server.


The <database> driver now has optional driver-type.

  <driver type="test.jdbc.TestDriver"


Added server.rootDir to the tree-loader for shared jars.

access-log path-format

The <access-log> can have a path-format attribute which specifies the path by date. Unlike the archive-path, the log is created the formatted name directly.


Added archive-path to web-app.


Added regexp support for host aliases.

IoC configuration for JMS

Resin now has two IoC resources for JMS, a listener and a message sender.

ListenerResource provides the capabilities of EJB message beans, without the complexity of EJB.

<resource type="com.caucho.jms.resource.ListenerResource">


     <listener type="example.MyListener"/>

var for resource/bean

Resin's IoC configuration tag, <resource> can now accept a "var" attribute, storing the resource in EL for later use.

<resource var="child"

<resource jndi-name="bean"

resin EL variables

New configuration EL variables:

$\{resin.home}Same as $\{resinHome}
$\{resin.rootDir}Same as $\{serverRoot}
$\{resin.resinProfessional}Same as $\{isResinProfessional}


The deploy and config code has been refactored. Neither change should be user-visible.

Special Thanks

Thanks to Mircea Crisan for tracking down the JdbcMessage init order issue with Postgres.

Thanks to John Didion for finding the missing Hessian deserializer cache.

Thanks to Andy Nahapetian for finding and fixing the Hessian reference serialization bug.

Resin 3.0.14
Resin 3.0.12
Copyright © 1998-2006 Caucho Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Resin ® is a registered trademark, and Quercustm, Ambertm, and Hessiantm are trademarks of Caucho Technology.