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Resin 3.1 Documentation Examples Changes Overview Installation Configuration Quercus SOA/IoC JSP Servlets and Filters Admin (JMX) EJB Amber Security Performance Hessian XML and XSLT Third-party Troubleshooting/FAQ tags Common Tasks Relax Schema howto Config FAQ Scrapbook DB Scrapbook Virtual Hosting Database Load Balancing Sessions Clustered Sessions Tuning ISP WebApp Deploy |
A web application is a self-contained subtree of the web site. It uses Servlets, Filters, JSP, and the functionality provided by Resin and any other java code to provide a response to a client that makes an HTTP request. Web applicationsEach web application is part of the web server. It has a unique name or path that identifies it within the server.
Each web application has a corresponding url. The url begins with the part
needed to identify the server, followed by the webapp path:
Web applications are "deployed" within a web server, such as Resin. The
simplest way to "deploy" a new web application is to the create a subdirectory
in A web application has "web components", such as Servlets, Filters, JSP's, supporting Java source files, and supporting java libraries. Try it!
You can make your own web application in a local install of Resin. Make a
To start with, you can make a file named
Hello, world!
Example web application
For example, Server: www.hogwarts.com Components of a web applicationServletFrom the Servlet Specification 2.2: A servlet is a web component, managed by a container, that generates dynamic content. Servlets are small, platform independent Java classes compiled to an architecture neutral bytecode that can be loaded dynamically into and run by a web server. Servlets interact with web clients via a request response paradigm implemented by the servlet container. This request-response model is based on the behavior of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). A Servlet is a Java class that has a method that gets called with information about a client request and is expected to produce some kind of result to be sent back to the client. It is just like any other class in Java, it happens to inherit from javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet, so Resin can call certain methods on it when a request is made.
A Servlet class is made available by placing the package example; import java.io.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.servlet.*; /** * Hello world servlet. Most servlets will extend * javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet as this one does. */ public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet { /** * Initialize the servlet. Servlets should override this method * if they need any initialization like opening pooled * database connections. */ public void init() throws ServletException { } /** * Implements the HTTP GET method. The GET method is the standard * browser method. * * @param request the request object, containing data from the browser * @param repsonse the response object to send data to the browser */ public void doGet (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // Returns a writer to write to the client PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); // Write a string to the browser. out.println("Hello, world!"); out.close(); } }
Entries in ithe <web-app xmlns="http://caucho.com/ns/resin"> <servlet> <servlet-name>hello</servlet-name> <servlet-class>example.HelloServlet</servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <url-pattern>/hello</url-pattern> <servlet-name>hello</servlet-name> </servlet-mapping> </web-app>
In a web-app named "foo" on a server named "localhost" listening on port
"80", the servlet is now invoked with the URL
More information on the usage of Servlets is available in the Servlet section of the Resin documenation. JSPJava Server Pages are text files that contain text to be output (usually HTML or somesuch) and special directives, actions, scripting elements, and expressionsthat are used to generate results dynamically. From the JSP 2.0 specification: JavaServer Pages technology supports scripting elements as well as actions. Actions encapsulate useful functionality in a convenient form that can be manipulated by tools. Expressions are used to access data. Scripts can be used to glue together this functionality in a per-page manner. With JSP the developer specifies the content mostly as the kind of thing they want to send back to the client or browser, for example HTML. Optionally interspersed with the HTML are special xml tags (directives and actions), EL expressions, or specially marked scripting code (Java code). The special xml tags, EL expressions and Java code are used to generate dynamic ouput. JSP's are translated into ServletsIt is helpful to understand what it is that Resin does with a JSP page. Basically, it takes the JSP page and turns it into the Java code for a Servlet, a process of .From the JSP specification: JSP pages are textual components. They go through two phases: a translation phase, and a request phase. Translation is done once per page. The request phase is done once per request. The translation phase occurs when Resin takes a look at the JSP page, reads it in, and creates a Servlet. This only needs to be done once. Now when a request from a client comes in, Resin will call the appropriate method in the Servlet that it created from the. During translation, Resin takes all of the code that has been specially marked in the JSP as java code and inserts it directly into the code for a Servlet. It takes all of the template text and makes the equivalent of print statements to generate that ouput. Because JSP files are translated into Servlets, JSP is an extension to Java Servlets. Everything that applies to Java Servlets also applies to JSP. Much information that is relevent to JSP programming is found in documentation about Java Servlets. So you want to have the Servlet Specification around as a handy reference, as well as the JSP Specification. Any reference to the capabilities and resources available to a Servlet are also available to a JSP page. This process is invisible to the JSP developer, all the developer needs to do is make the JSP page and Resin will look at it and turn it into a Servlet. The syntax of a JSP fileJSP has it's own section in the Resin documentation, the following is an introductory guide. template data - The text to be outputUnless specially marked, the text in the JSP file will be sent exactly as it is in the text file as part of the response. This is called in the JSP specification.JSP EL and JSTL
JSP EL is the JSP JSTL is the JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Libray, a set of that are used to create dynamic output from JSP. These tags look like regular XML tags, and are interpreted by Resin at translation time to generate java code that performs the desired action.EL and JSTL are used throughout this discussion, the Resin JSP documentation, the JSTL documentation provide more information. <%@page session="false" contentType="text/html" %> <%@taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" prefix="c" %> <head> <title>A simple thing</title> </head> <body> <!-- this comment gets all the way to the browser --> <%-- this comment gets discarded when the JSP is translated into a Servlet --%> <% // some java code that makes the variable `x' available to EL pageContext.setAttribute("x",new Integer(5)); %> The value of x is ${'${'} x } The value of x + 2 is ${'${'} x + 2 } Is x less than 6? <c:if test="${'${'} x < 6 }"> <%@include file="y.jsp" %> </c:if> </body> Yes, it is true that x is less than 6, with a value of ${'${'} x } <head> <title>A simple thing</title> </head> <body> <!-- this comment gets all the way to the browser --> The value of x is 5. The value of x + 2 is 7. Is x less than 6? Yes, it is true that x is less than 6, with a value of 5. </body> Prior to the introduction of JSTL and EL, JSP pages used the direct insertion of Java code to accomplish the same thing. The use of JSTL and EL is much cleaner and more maintable. Including other filesOften it is desirable to include the contents of another file into a JSP file. For example, sometimes there is code that you find yourself using over and over again. The mechanism for this is the directive:
<%@ include file=" "%>
Using the include directive it is exactly the same as if the included text was in the original file. The text is included at translation time - when the JSP is turned into a servlet. Specifying content type
A JSP page can use the
Since this value is part of a directive, a given page will always
provide the same content type. It is also possible to dynamically
indicate the content type using the CommentsA JSP comment is of the form: <%-- anything but a closing --%> ... --%> The body of the JSP content is ignored completely. JSP Comments are discarded at translation time, they do not become part of the Servlet that is used to generate the response. Comments are useful for documentation but also to comment out some portions of a JSP page. JSP comments do not nest. In order to generate comments that appear in the response to the requesting client, the HTML and XML comment syntax is used, as follows: <!-- comments ... --> Java code in the JSP file
Java code in the JSP is marked by the special characters Be careful not to depend on the ability of JSP to include Java code too much. JSP is best used to present a Architecture. of data that has already been prepared in Servlets or other code, as discussed inNow that JSTL and JSP EL exist, they are preferred over the insertion of Java code directly. <%@page session="false" contentType="text/html" import="java.util.*, example.*%> <head> <title>A simple thing</title> </head> <body> <!-- this comment gets all the way to the browser --> <%-- this comment gets discarded when the JSP is translated into a Servlet --%> <% int x = 5; // java-style comments valid here %> The value of x is <%= x %>. The value of x + 2 is <%= x + 2 %>. Is x less than 6? <% if (x < 6) { %> <%@include file="y.jsp" %> <% } %> </body> Yes, it is true that x is less than 6, with a value of <%= x %>. <head> <title>A simple thing</title> </head> <body> <!-- this comment gets all the way to the browser --> The value of x is 5. The value of x + 2 is 7. Is x less than 6? Yes, it is true that x is less than 6, with a value of 5. </body> Importing Java packagesUsually when making a JSP the developer draws on classes from various packages. Unless these packages are imported, the use of such a class must include the fully qualified class name: <% java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date(); %> Packages can be imported with the attribute of the directive. Multiple packages are seperated with a comma:<%@ page import="java.util.*, example.*" %> <% Date d = new Date(); %> Custom tag librariesCustom tag libraries are a mechanism that allows developers to make functionality available to a JSP author through the use of XML tags. As an example, a mail tag can be implemented and then used in the JSP in the following manner: <mail:mailMessage from="[email protected]" to="<%= userEmail %>" subject="Hogwarts Registration"> Thank-you for registering with the Hogwarts news service. We will be sending you an email with twice-weekly with updates and the latest news from Hogwarts. </mail:mailMessage> Tag libraries can be very useful, however they are somewhat complicated to implement. They are probably best left to developers of libraries -- the taglibs can provide some simple access to the functionality of the library. More information on implementing custom tag libraries is in the JSP section of the Resin documentation. FilterFrom the Servlet Specification 2.4: A filter is a reusable piece of code that can transform the content of HTTP requests, responses, and header information. Filters do not generally create a response or respond to a request as servlets do, rather they modify or adapt the requests for a resource, and modify or adapt responses from a resource. A Filter is a Java class that is used to request" and "response" are discussed later). A filter can intercept the request before it get's to other web components, such as a JSP or Servlet, and change what the request looks like. A filter can intercept the response that is generated by web components, such as a JSP or Servlet, and change (transform) the reponse before it is sent to the client. the request and the response ("More information on the usage of Filters is available in the Servlets and Filters section of the Resin documenation. Custom java codeA developer can, and usually does, use the general facilities of Java to
create custom Java classes that are used by the Servlets, JSP, Filters, and
other components of the web applications. Java source files are placed in the
Java code librariesA web application can take advantage of java code libraries. These
libraries are usually packaged in a Jar libraries usually contain code that is not specific to the web application, for example a library that provides a database driver, or a library that is used to generate images. The structure of web applications
The componets of a web application are placed in appropriate files and
configured using the Directory structure
For the most part, the directory structure of a web application reflects the structure that the end-user will see from their browser.
In addition, a special directory named
This directory contains a
There is also a
Finally, the file web.xmlA Web Application is configured with a deployment descriptor that collects information about the JSP pages, Servlets, security zones, and other resources used in the Web Application. A full description of it can be found in the JSP specification. A note about path seperatorsIn the web.xml file (and in Java programming in general), always use "/" as the path seperator. Do not use the MS-DOS/Windows "\" path seperator. Automatic compilationA convenience that is provided by Resin is the automatic compilation of Java files that are changed.
You can take advantage of this by placing your java source files in
For example, if you have a file Lifecycle: ServletContexts, Sessions, Requests, ResponsesServletContexts, Sessions, Requests, and Responses have corresponding java objects that Resin creates. Each of these objects has a unique scope: they are created at a certain time and destroyed at a certain time. The JavaServer Pages specification inherits from the Servlet specification the concepts of ServletContexts, Sessions, Requests and Responses. These objects are created by Resin, they are always available to a Servlet, Filter, or JSP page. ServletContextA ServletContext provides a view of the application that the Servlet, Filter, or JSP is running in. The ServletContext models the Web Application. A ServletContext is an object that is common to all Servlets in an application. A ServletContext is represented by a javax.servlet.ServletContext object. Scope of the ServletContextResin creates a ServletContext as soon as the Web Application is started, and it remains until the Web Application is closed. There is one ServletContext made for each web application, and any usage of the ServletContext will always use the same one. Request and ResponseEvery time a user follows a URL that points to a Servlet or JSP within the Web Application, Resin creates a Request object to represent the current request. Resin also creates a Response object which the developer can use to set certain things that apply to the response to the users browser. A request is represented by a javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest object. A response is represented by a javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse object. Scope of the Request and ResponseA new Request and Response are created each time the user follows a link into the Web Application. These objects last until the response is sent back to the client. SessionA Session is established for each user of the web application. The first time a user accesses anything within the web application, Resin recognizes this unknown user and creates a new Session to represent them. This Session object will remain the same for that user for the duration of their use of the web application. A session is represented by a javax.servlet.http.HttpSession object. Scope of the SessionThe Session is created the first time a user access a component in the web application that requests the session. Resin sees the incoming request from a user and checks to see if it has a Session for that user. If it does not, it creates one. This session object will remain the same for that user. The end of the session object is a bit complicated. Since Resin cannot tell the difference between when the user has stopped using the application and when the user is just taking a long time to do something, Resin must guess. Resin uses a time-out value to determine when it should assume that the user has gone away, it defaults to 30 minutes. What this means is that if a user has not accessed any resource in the Web application for 30 minutes the Resin will destroy the session object for that user. A developer can also explicitly destroy the Session object, and that is discussed later. How Resin keeps track of the SessionResin establishes a session by giving the user's browser a unique id that is returned back to Resin with each new request. This is accomplished in one of two ways: using cookies or URL rewriting. CookiesResin attempts to track the session of a user by sending the user's browser a cookie. This cookie contains a long string that Resin creates that becomes the id of the session. URL rewritingSometimes Resin cannot establish a cookie, either because the user has disabled cookies in their browser or because the browser does not support them (as is the case with some HDML and WML browsers). If the cookie cannot be established then something called is used.with URL rewriting, Resin rewrites every URL that it submits to the user so that it contains a portion ';jsessionid= ;'. Then for each incoming request the first thing it does is look for this parameter, and if it is available it knows a session has been established and it removes the jsessionid and uses it to find the users session object.URL rewriting requires some assistance from the developer, which is discussed later. Obtaining the ServletContext, Session, Request, and Response objectsServlet
The Servlet implementation class usually obtains the ServletContext in the
JSPWhen translation of a JSP to a Servlet occurs, there are some variables that are automatically defined. These variables can be used within any Java code that is inserted in the page.
Obtaining the session in JSPWith JSP, the <%@page session="true">
The default for <%@page session="false"> Attributes
Each of the objects Using attributes the developer can store a value for later retrieval. The is a String that uniquely identifies the attribute, and the is a Java object.The API for setting and getting attributes
The following methods are available for the
Choosing where to put attributesAs a developer you have a choice of which object to store attributes in. The object that you choose should be appropriate to the scope within which you will need to get that value out again. Whenever possible put the attribute in the request object. If that cannot work, put it in the session object. And very rarely, put values in the application object. The reason for this order is simple, all of the attributes in a session cannot be garbage collected until they are explicitly removed or the session expires. All of the objects in the application stay until they are explicitly removed or the web application is stopped or restarted. Using the Response objectEncoding the URLProbably the most important and most frequent usage of the response object is to rewrite the URL. Recall from earlier that in order to maintain the identity of a Session with the user Resin may have to add a special parameter to every URL. The developer must co-operate with this, using the response.encodeURL method. Because of this, it is a good idea to form a String for every URL you will use in a page and store it in a variable: <% String boatUrl = response.encodeURL("water/boat.jsp"); String goatUrl = response.encodeURL("animals/goat.jsp"); %> <%-- the presentation --%> Hello, would you like some green eggs and ham? Would you, could you, on a <a href='<%= boatUrl %>'>boat</a>? Would you, could you, with a <a href='<%= goatUrl %>'>goat</a>? This has the added benefit of placing all of your URL's in one place, allowing you to change them more easily. Redirecting the users browserSometimes it is desirable to send a redirect to the client. This is a response to the client that tells it to go to some other URL. This is often used by developers so that the URL in the browser makes sense to the user. It is however, a slow procedure because it requires a response to go all the way back to the browser, and then the browser will make a new request.
The redirect is accomplished by using the <% String redirectUrl = response.encodeRedirectURL("elsewhere.jsp"); response.sendRedirect(redirectUrl); %> A note on redirecting wireless devicesRedirects often do not work with wireless devices like cell phones and WML clients, and the emulators of these devices. As well, the latency of a wireless connection compounds the speed problem of using redirects. Redirects should probably be avoided with wireless devices. Setting the content type dynamically
As mentioned eariler, the
The page directive method does not allow you to do this
dynamically. You can instead use: Telling the browser not to cache the pageOften it is necessary to inform the browser that a page should not be cached - the browser should ask for a new copy of the page every time. The best way to do this is by setting appropriate HTTP headers in the response to the browser. Unfortunately, all the browsers work differently. The following seems to be a consensus on the headers to set: <% /** stop browser from caching */ response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache,post-check=0,pre-check=0,no-cache"); response.setHeader("Pragma","no-cache"); response.setHeader("Expires","Thu,01Dec199416:00:00GMT"); %> Telling the browser that the page is privateA little known fact is that it is necessary to inform the browser with certain pages that they are private pages, meaning they should never be seen by anyone except the current user. This applies to any pages that the user has needed a password to get to. <% /** * Add an HTTP header to the response that * indicates to the browser and any * intervening cache's that this is a private * page, and should never be seen * by a different user. */ response.addHeader("Cache-Control","private"); %> Using the Request objectRetrieving the values set in form fieldsThe main use of the request object is to get the values that a user has supplied in a form submit. For example, with this HTML on page a.jsp: <% String bUrl = response.encodeUrl("b.jsp"); %> <%-- presentation --%> <form method="post" action="<%= bUrl %>"> What is your favourite kind of eggs? <input type="text" name="favegss" size="25"> <br> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> <input type="reset" value="Reset"> </form> The value that was supplied in ``eggs'' can be retrieved with: <% String aUrl = response.encodeUrl("a.jsp"); %> <% String faveggs = request.getParameter("eggs"); if ((faveggs != null) && (faveggs.trim().length() == 0)) faveggs = null; %> <%-- presentation --%> <% if (faveggs == null) { %> No eggs supplied! <a href="<%= aUrl %>">Try again</a> <% } else if (faveggs.equals("green")) { %> Of course we have <%= faveggs %> eggs! It's one of our favourites too. <% } else { %> We do not have <%= faveggs %> eggs. <% } %> Using the Session objectThe Session object is used primarily to store two types of information. The first is information about the user, and the second is data that is built up and used over multiple pages. A classic example of information you would store in a session is user profile information, or a shopping cart that is filled up over many pages. It is important to try to limit the amount of information that is stored in the session object. Explicitly causing the session to endThe session object will go away if the user is inactive for a certain time (usually 1/2 hour). You can also explicitly destroy the session, which you may want to do for example if the user chooses to logout.
This is accomplished with: Doing something when the Session goes awayIt is possible to add a hook so that something can be done when Resin decides that a Session has expired, or the Session is explicitly destroyed. To accomplish this, you write a class that implements the javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener interface. Then you register this class with the session simply by putting it as one of the attributes. The Session will notify all of it's attributes that implement javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener. <%@page import="example.SessionListener" %> <% // example.SessionListener implements HttpSessionBindingListener SessionListener d = new SessionListener(); session.setAttribute("sessiongoesbyebye", d); %> Warning! One session does not mean one browser window!It is important to realize that the user can have multiple windows open that use the same session. If the user uses the "Open in new Window" functionality of a browser, they will have two windows open and the Web Application will see them both as belonging to the same session. This has some ramifications on how the Session can be used for shopping-cart like applications. For example, let's assume that an application uses the Session attribute "cart" to store shopping cart information about different types of juice a user has chosen to purchase. The user may start one juice buying transaction and get to the confirmation page, having 3 grape and 2 apple in their cart. Now, what happens if at this point they use another browser window to initiate another purchase? If the Web Application is using the Session to store shopping cart information then the second window may destroy the contents of the shopping cart, so that if the user finishes the first window they end up buying nothing! A possible solution for this is to keep a in your cart. Every time the cart is changed, the version counter is updated. Then, when your application shows the "confirm purchase" page (the next action will cause the purchase to occur), it sends the version counter to the "confirm purchase page". The "confirm purchase" page submits that version counter as a parameter. The application can check the submitted version counter, and the current version counter in the shopping cart - if they are different then the cart has been modified in some other way, and a message is returned that the purchase did not occur because the cart had been modified elsewhere.Error HandlingJSP Translation Time Processing ErrorsSome errors may occur at JSP translation time. This could be, for example, from an error in the syntax of some Java code in your JSP. You will usually see this error in your browser the first time you try to access the page. Resin can also put the error in log files. From the JSP specification: The translation of a JSP page source into a corresponding JSP page implementation class using the Java technology by a JSP container can occur at any time between initial deployment of the JSP page into the runtime environment of a JSP container, and the receipt and processing of a client request for the target JSP page. If translation occurs prior to the JSP container receiving a client request for the target (untranslated) JSP page then error processing and notification is implementation dependent. Fatal translation failures shall result in subsequent client requests for the translation target to also be failed with the appropriate error; for HTTP protocols, error status code 500 (Server Error). Coompilation Time Processing ErrorsSome errors may occur at the time a Servlet or other source file is being compiled by Resin. This could be, for example, from an error in the syntax of the Java code. You will usually see this error in your browser the first time you try to access the page. Resin might also put the error in log files. Client Request Time Processing ErrorsJava handles runtime errors with exceptions. If an exception is not caught in your JSP or Servlet, Resin will use a special error page to send results back to the browser. Resin uses a default error page unless you explicitly provide an error page yourself. From the JSP specification:
ArchitectureThere are many ways to use the capabilities that are offered by JSP -- different models apply to different applications. Simple JSPThe simplest model is to use JSP as an add-on to existing web pages. At the top of each page is the Java code that is necessary for the display of the page, and at the bottom is the markup that is to be output, with appropriate insertion of any dynamically generated variables.
Note the seperation of the different logical parts. It is a very good
idea to keep the presentation section as Java-less as possible. Setup
all of the values in the logic part, and then use only simple
<%-- urls --%> <% // store your target urls in String variables %> <%-- incoming parameters --%> <% // store form values from the request object in variables %> <%-- logic --%> <% // we all make decisions with logic, right? %> <%-- presentation --%> <markup> <forthebrowser> </forthebrowser> </markup> This seems like a sensible approach. However, imagine that later it is decided that a different set of HTML is needed for the output if there is no news available. As well, support of WML output is required. Now we need to put the display code for 4 different types of output into one page. Maybe we need to go to different places as well, for example an administrator might get a different display page, or we need to check the users profile to see what is apporiate to display. This is too much complication to put all in one place. This type of implementation, because of it's limitiations and it's inability to change without exponentially increasing the complexity, should be avoided. Seperating the logic into another JSPTo address some of the disadvantages of the Simple JSP method, it is possible to seperate the `logic' and the `presentation' into two different JSP files.
In this model, instead of a link pointing directly to the page that
does the display, it points to a page that handles the incoming
request. This 'logic' page contains the Java code that is responsible
for preparing the values that will be used for displaying. It stores
these prepared values as attributes of the <% /** -- incoming parameters -- */ String strJuiceType = request.getParameter("juiceType"); String strQuantity = request.getParameter("juiceQuantity"); /** -- logic -- */ Double cost; String strCost; here we might do a check to make sure mandatory fields have values. Here we might do a database lookup to determine the price, and set the cost value to the price * quanitity Now we might format the cost double into a two-decimal number and store it in strCost /** -- set outgoing parameters -- forward to display page -- */ /** note that here we put juiceType in as a request attribute, even though the display page could get it from the request parameters. This helps us keep the interface between the logic and the presentation cleaner */ request.setAttribute("cost", strCost); request.setAttribute("juiceType", strJuiceType); request.setAttribute("quantity", strQuantity); if (isWML) pageContext.forward("SeperateJspPresentationWML.jsp"); else pageContext.forward("SeperateJspPresentationHTML.jsp"); %> <%-- urls --%> <%-- prepared objects --%> <% String cost = (String) request.getAttribute("cost"); String juiceType = (String) request.getAttribute("juiceType"); String quantity = (String) request.getAttribute("quantity"); %> <%-- presentation --%> Hey, if you want <%= quantity %> bottles of <%= juiceType => juice, it is going to cost you $<%= cost %>
Here we have introduced a new thing: pageContext.forward
The Seperating the business logic into beansEven the seperation of all logic into a different JSP can get a bit muddled. You can seperate the `logic' into two types of logic, business logic and presentation logic. Presentation logic is logic that is part of the presentation. Examples are form validation and formatting of numbers into strings. Business logic is programming that involves your data. If you can separate something in your mind from the presentation, it doesn't depend on the presentation in any way, that's business logic. Examples are database lookups and shopping cart manipulation. Your application will be cleaner and easier to manage if you put your business logic in Java classes (beans) which hide the complexities. You then use these classes in the logic.jsp. Model 2 (preferred)The final approach discussed here is called the `Model 2' approach. This approach requires a level of sophistication that is usually not warranted unless you use a library that supports it, however it is the cleanest way to implement an application. In this approach there is a special Servlet called a controller servlet. The controller maps an incoming request to a Java class that takes care of all of the 'business logic'. This Java class returns a result that indicates to the controller where it should go next. The controller then dispatches to the appropriate place. The flow of a request moves through these `business logic' pieces, finally ending up at a `view'. The logic pieces are responsible for examing the submitted information (such as parameters from forms), managing logical flow, and preparing objects for the . The objects for the view are stored as attributes of the request (or sometimes, the session).The view is responsible for preparing a response for the user using the prepared objects now available as request or session objects. This is where JSP is often used, it works very well as the view component of a Model 2 architecture. The developer tells the controller what the flow for each request is by specifying it an external (usually XML) file. This approach is by far the cleanest approach to using Servlets and JSP. Most applications of any significant complexity use a Model 2 architecture. SecurityJSP inherits the Servlet security mechanism. Using the two fundamental concepts of and , JSP provides declarative and programmatic security.In addition, there is builtin support for various HTTP methods of login that establish a Principal and it's Roles based on a user login and password. PrincipalsA Principal is established in association with a Session. There is a one to one correspondence between the two. Usually the Principal is a user, a real live honest to goodness person sitting at a computer somewhere and accessing the Web Application. The Application may require that the User go through a login process, a successful login will establish a Principal, which will have a certain set of Roles. RolesServlet 2.2 Specification states: A role is an abstract logical grouping of users that is defined by the Application Developer or Assembler. When the application is deployed, these roles are mapped by a Deployer to security identities, such as principals or groups, in the runtime environment. Roles are similar to groups in Unix security. As an example, you might have a "member" role for users who have a membership, and an "admin" role for administrators. Principals can have more than one role -- a user might be both a "member" and an "admin". Declarative SecurityServlet 2.2 Specification states: Declarative security refers to the means of expressing an application's security structure, including roles, access control, and authentication requirements in a form external to the application. The deployment descriptor is the primary vehicle for declarative security in web applications. Basically what this means in real terms is that you can specify certain paths in web.xml that require certain roles. For example, you can say that to access any page in the "/accountsetup/" subdirectory, the user must have a role of "admin". Programmatic SecurityServlet 2.2 Specification states: Programmatic security is used by security aware applications when declarative security alone is not sufficient to express the security model of the application. Programmatic security lets you decide in some Java code what to do, based on the role that a user has. For example, you might make a certain button appear in the button bar only for an "admin" user.
When does Resin require a login?The resources in an Application are by default open to the public, and do not require a login. As soon as the User attempts to access a resource that has been declared to require a role in the web.xml, Resin will insert in the process a login of some kind before continuing on to the resource that was originally requested. For example, if the "/members/*" area has been declared to require a "member" role, as soon as the user tries to access anything in "/members/" Resin will check to see if the user has logged in yet. If the user has logged in, then the roles for the user are checked to see if "member" is a role that user can take. If the user has not logged in, Resin inserts a login procedure and then checks the roles. The login procedureThe Servlet Specification details numerous methods for getting user identification and password information from the user. The example below shows usage of "Form Based Authentication", which allows you to specify a login page to be sent to the user when needed, and an error page that will be displayed if the user login fails.
The login page should submit a form to the url
Resin recognizes the special url Lifecycle of a PrincipalThe Servlet authentication associates a session. The principal will only last as long as the Session; as soon as the Session is gone then the user will no longer be logged in. with aAs a result, invalidation of the Session will also cause a logout: session.invalidate(); You can also cause a logout without invalidating the whole Session. Other objects in the session will remain available but the principal will be null: session.logout(); Authenticating the UserOnce the user information is collected, the password must be verified and the roles determined. Unfortunately, the Servlet specification does not indicate a standard way for this to occur. What that means is that every Container is likely to do this differently, and you will have to refer to Container specific documentation and examples. Example usage of SecurityThe Resin documentation on Security includes a comprehensive discussion, and the Basic Security Tutorial is a good starting point as well.