| Resin 3.1
Documentation Examples Changes
Overview Installation Configuration Quercus SOA/IoC JSP Servlets and Filters Admin (JMX) EJB Amber Security Performance Hessian XML and XSLT Third-party Troubleshooting/FAQ
Overview Security Java Integration Resin Module Module Status List of PHP Applications Troubleshooting/FAQ
| |
List of popular PHP applications working well with Quercus and configuration needed to get them running. DokuWiki 2006-11-06Dragonfly CMS 4.7.4Gallery2 2.1.2Joomla 1.0.11MediaWiki 1.9- download MediaWiki
Put the expanded contents of MediaWiki into a directory within ${resin.root}/webapps,
this creates a web application. For example, putting the contents in
${resin.root}/webapps/wiki will correspond to a url like
http://localhost:8080/wiki .
Start Resin. The console will show a message like "WebApp[http://localhost:8080/mediawiki-1.9.3] starting"
and Resin will create the special configuration directory
${resin.root}/webapps/wiki/WEB-INF .
Install a database driver.
The Using databases section of the
documentation contains download links and installation instructions for MySQL and Postgres
If this step is not done, then MediaWiki will display an error message like
A link to the server could not be established
... java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource
Phorum 5.1.16aphpBB 2.0.21phpMyAdmin 5.2PHP-Nuke 7.9Pligg 0.9.6Wordpress 2.0.5Xoops 2.0.16
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