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Resin 3.1 Documentation Examples Changes Overview Installation Configuration Quercus SOA/IoC JSP Servlets and Filters Admin (JMX) EJB Amber Security Performance Hessian XML and XSLT Third-party Troubleshooting/FAQ IDE's Scottit Groovy SwiftMQ OpenJMS Hibernate Database Eclipse IntelliJ |
Resin with EclipseLaunching Resin(thanks to E Hauser) Here's how I debug Resin with Eclipse. I launch the Resin start script with the arguments: -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=12345 Then in Eclipse, go to Run -> Debug -> Remote Application. Click new and make sure the project is set to the application you want to debug. Connection type should be "Standard (Socket Attach)", and your connection host should be "localhost" with the port "12345". You can launch Resin internally from Eclipse by launching the main Resin class with the correct parameters, but socket attach has always worked fine for me. Eclipse pluginArnaud Peyre has developed a comprehensive Resin plugin for Eclipse. Resin For Eclipse plugin provides tools for developing web projects: