Describes the basic annotation for a single-table entity bean. See AlsoTable annotations@EntityAnnotates the class as an entity bean. See the basic property tutorial
and the basic field tutorial
for an introduction. name | The name of the bean | The class name (unqualified) |
The fields or properties will be annotated by @Id, @Basic, etc.
Amber will detect either field or property annotation by the
type for the @Id. In other words, if Amber sees an @Id on a field,
it will use field access. If Amber sees @Id on a method, it will use
property access.
package javax.persistence;
public @interface Entity {
String name() default "";
@SecondaryTableSpecifies a secondary database table for an entity bean.
The secondary table will contain the fields with a secondaryTable
in the @Column. name | The name of the table | The unqualified class name. | catalog | the table's catalog | none | schema | the table's schema | none | pkJoinColumns | join column to the primary table | joins the primary key | uniqueConstraint | unique constraints during generation | none |
package javax.persistence;
public @interface SecondaryTable {
String name() default "";
String catalog() default "";
String schema() default "";
PrimaryKeyJoinColumn []pkJoinColumns() default {};
UniqueConstraint []uniqueConstraints() default {};
@TableSpecifies the database table for an entity bean. The
default table name is the class name. name | The name of the table | The unqualified class name.
| catalog | the table's catalog | none
| schema | the table's schema | none
| uniqueConstraint | unique constraints during generation | none
package javax.persistence;
public @interface Table {
String name() default "";
String catalog() default "";
String schema() default "";
UniqueConstraint []uniqueConstraints() default {};
Property Annotations@BasicMarks a field as a persistent field. fetch | EAGER or LAZY fetching | FetchType.EAGER
| optional | if true, the column may be null | true
The fetch types are:
- EAGER - fetch the field when the bean is loaded
- LAZY - fetch the field only when the field is used
String property
public class Course {
public String getName()
Lazy-loaded property
public class Course {
public String getMassiveText()
package javax.persistence;
@Target({Method, FIELD})
public @interface Basic {
FetchType fetch() default EAGER;
boolean optional() default true;
| @ColumnSpecifies the field's SQL column name as well as any CREATE TABLE
properties for auto generation. name | The SQL name of the column | the field name
| unique | True for UNIQUE columns | false
| nullable | False for IS NOT NULL columns | true
| insertable | True if column is inserted on a create call | true
| updatable | True if column is updated when the field is modified | false
| columnDefinition | SQL to create the column in a CREATE TABLE | none
| table | specified if column is stored in a secondary table | none
| length | the default length for a VARCHAR for a CREATE TABLE | 255
| precision | the default length for a number definition for a CREATE TABLE | 0
| scale | the default length for a number definition for a CREATE TABLE | 0
| String property
public class Course {
public String getName()
@Target({Method, FIELD})
public @interface Column {
String name() default "";
boolean unique() default false;
boolean nullable() default true;
boolean insertable() default true;
boolean updateable() default true;
String columnDefinition() default "";
String table() default "";
int length() default 255;
int precision() default 0;
int scale() default 0;
boolean specified() default true;
| Primary Key Annotations@IdMarks a field as a primary key. The @Id
may be used in combination with @GeneratedValue to specify a generator for automatic key generation when new
objects are created. The default column name is "ID". automatic generation
import javax.persistence.*;
public class Course {
public long getId()
@Target({METHOD, FIELD})
public @interface Id {
| @GeneratedValueUsed with @Id to specify a generator for automatic key generation when new
objects are created. strategy | The auto-generation type | AUTO
| generator | The sequence or table generator name | \${table}_cseq
The generator types are:
- IDENTITY - the database supplies the new key, e.g. auto_increment, SERIAL, or IDENTITY
- SEQUENCE - use a SEQUENCE type to generate the key
- TABLE - use a @TableGenerator for the key
- AUTO - choose the generator based on the database
- MySQL - IDENTITY using auto_increment
- Resin - IDENTITY using auto_increment
- Postgres - SEQUENCE
- Oracle - SEQUENCE
For SEQUENCE and TABLE, Resin will create the sequence
name as "\${table}_cseq". automatic generation
import javax.persistence.*;
public class Course {
public long getId()
sequence generation
import javax.persistence.*;
public class Course {
public long getId()
@Target({METHOD, FIELD})
public @interface GeneratedValue {
GenerationType strategy() default AUTO;
String generator() default "";
| Relation annotations@JoinTableDefines an association table for a many-to-many relation. name | Table definition for the association table | concatening the source and target table names
| catalog | Database catalog | ""
| schema | Database schema | ""
| joinColumns | Columns from from the association table to the source table | Uses the source table primary key
| inverseJoinColumns | Columns from from the association table to the target table | Uses the target table primary key
@Target({METHOD, FIELD})
public @interface JoinTable {
String table() default "";
String catalog() default "";
String schema() default "";
JoinColumn []joinColumns() default {};
JoinColumn []inverseJoinColumns() default {};
UniqueContraint []uniqueConstraint() default {};
| @JoinColumnDefines a join (foreign) columns. Used for @ManyToOne. See also @Column for
corresponding definition for @Basic columns. See the Many-to-One
tutorial for a full example. name | The column name of the source table | the column name of the target key
| referencedColumnName | The target column for composite keys | the single primary key
| unique | True if unique | false
| nullable | False if IS NOT NULL | true
| insertable | True if the column is inserted on a create | true
| updateable | True if the column is updated on field changes | true
| columnDefinition | SQL column definition | false
| table | specifies a secondary table if not in the primary | none
| Student to House link
public class Student {
long getId()
public House getHouse()
Student SQL
student_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY auto_increment
house_id BIGINT REFERENCES House(id)
public @interface JoinColumn {
String name() default "";
String referencedColumnName() default "";
boolean unique() default false;
boolean nullable() default false;
boolean insertable() default true;
boolean updateable() default true;
String columnDefinition() default "";
String table() default "";
| @JoinColumnsDefines a set of join (foreign) columns for composite keys. javax.persistence.ManyToOne
public @interface JoinColumns {
JoinColumn [] value() default{}
| @ManyToManyMarks a field as a many-to-many (association) relation. The column names are the key columns of the source and target tables. See the many-to-many tutorial for an example. targetEntity | The class of the target entity | the property's type
| cascade | Operations which cascade to the target | none
| fetch | EAGER or LAZY fetching | FetchType.EAGER
| mappedBy | Specifies the source relation if a target | | Simple link
public class Student {
public Collection getCourses()
@Target({METHOD, FIELD})
public @interface ManyToMany {
String targetEntity default "";
CascadeType []cascade() default {};
FetchType fetch() default LAZY;
String mappedBy isInverse() default "";
| @ManyToOneMarks a field as a many-to-one (link) relation. The default column name is the column name of the target key. See the many-to-one tutorial for an example. targetEntity | The class of the target entity | the property's type
| cascade | Operations which cascade to the target | none
| fetch | EAGER or LAZY fetching | FetchType.EAGER
| optional | If false, the relation must always have a value | true
| Simple link
public class Student {
public House getHouse()
@Target({Method, FIELD})
public @interface ManyToOne {
String targetEntity default "";
CascadeType []cascade() default {};
FetchType fetch() default EAGER;
boolean optional() default true;
| @OneToManyMarks a field as a one-to-many (collection) relation.
Because a one-to-many field is dependent, it
needs a @ManyToOne relation on the source table which defines the column. targetEntity | The class of the target entity | the property's type
| cascade | Operations which cascade to the target | none
| fetch | EAGER or LAZY fetching | FetchType.EAGER
| mappedBy | Specifies the owning @ManyToOne property | | Collection java
public class House {
public Collection getStudents()
public class Student {
public House getHouse()
Collection SQL
@Target({METHOD, FIELD})
public @interface OneToMany {
String targetEntity default "";
CascadeType []cascade() default {};
FetchType fetch() default EAGER;
String mappedBy() default "";
| @OneToOneMarks a field as a one-to-one (dependent link) relation.
Because a one-to-one field is dependent, it
needs a @ManyToOne relation on the source table which defines the column. targetEntity | The class of the target entity | the property's type
| cascade | Operations which cascade to the target | none
| fetch | EAGER or LAZY fetching | FetchType.EAGER
| mappedBy | Specifies the owning relation | |
@Target({METHOD, FIELD})
public @interface OneToOne {
String targetEntity default "";
CascadeType []cascade() default {};
FetchType fetch() default EAGER;
boolean optional() default true;
String mappedBy() default "";
| Inheritance annotations@DiscriminatorColumnConfigures the discriminator column. javax.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn
public @interface DiscriminatorColumn {
String name() default "";
DiscriminatorType discriminatorType() default STRING;
String columnDefinition() default "";
int length() default 31;
| @Inheritance@Inheritance marks the entity bean as supporting inheritance,
i.e. the database maps to different Java classes depending on
a discriminator value. javax.persistence.Inheritance
public @interface Inheritance {
InteritanceType strategy() default SINGLE_TABLE;
| InheritanceTypejavax.persistence.InheritanceType
public enum InheritanceType {
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